Monday, July 27, 2009

The Beginning Of A New Session

Finally after enjoying the 2 months break(I was nothing more than a couch potato throughout:D),I am all set to be back into the hustle bustle life.This is the time when I wont be Ragging juniors(antiragging group guys because I am in 3rd year).From tommorrow onwards my life is going to take a new turn in itself.

By now I have packed all my stuff,every nick nack but somehow I am kinda chillax as my home is nearby(just at 45 minutes drive:D).So, I can get anything at one phone call:).Thats what the college life should be like.Isnt it?

Tomorrow it is going to be really a hectic day out for me because you need to stand in queue for hours together if you really want to yourself a room in the hostel(the more longer you stand,the best room you'll get:D).Isnt that a good one :)?

I am in a dilemma,a big one as I am not able to decide what to opt for my future studies-MBA or M.TECH.There is a little flexiblity that I am comfortable with both:D.So basically that is what adding to my dilemma even more(multitalented girl you see).I am a pendulum natured person,so lets see where this pendulum of mine takes me to.

The most sleepy day of my life-its really difficult to come out of your couch potato kinda image and that to when you have enjoyed it hell lot in your vacations.

There are a couple of things I would surely miss when I get back to that laborious class sessions.fFrstly my A.C.-how I literally used to lie down on bed facing towards the a.c. so that I could get the best air out of it:D.
Secondly,my car-because I learnt driving recently,its not that recent but it took me years altogether to get to this stage,my best speed being 40-45.You want a lift but thats at your own risk:P.Yeah lastly, the mouth watering food-that pathetic and hellish mess food.You wont believe but I am kinda promoter of that food stuff,you really need to appreciate if you want to survive:D.

Neways I'll compromise,will go to cafe rather than mess and that too by bunking my classes.Isn't that a compromise:P? Indeed a big one.:)


  1. A good day for writing this post.... :P

    A suggestion from my side...write more from your heart...describing the minutest feelings....blogging helps in that sense in venting out everything....

    Happy blogging DD. :) Keep going.

  2. need to work a lot on grammar and spellings...SMS language seems to have taken its toll on you..And Use of ISN'T it could be reduced. Readers shouldn't be left with a question to keep thinking. What if they say NO IT ISN'T. Its your blog, your let them flow...Keep blogging...bless you
